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ชูชีพ จะนู


The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) to study the performance according to virtues of  students in Klongqaw school, Promkiri district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province  2) to compare the performance according to virtues of  students in Klongqaw school, Promkiri district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province according to differentiation  of gender, class level, and average grade,  and 3) to study the suggestion concerning with  problems  and the way to solve the problems concerning with performance according to virtues of students in Klongqaw school, Promkiri district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province. The samples size using of Krejcie and Morgan model, got the samples at the number of 132 students, the data collecting instrument was questionnaire, closed and opened end, data analysis by micro computer instant program. Statistical analysis by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Z.test and F.test.

          The results found that

          The analytical result of performance according to virtues of students in Klongqaw school, Promkiri district , Nakhon Si Thammarat province by including was at high level when   considered in each aspects found that learning requiring aspect, effort aspect, patient aspect, honesty aspect, disciplinary aspect, compassion aspect, grateful aspect, economic aspect, union aspect, responsibility aspect found that by including was at high level. The comparative results of the performance according to virtues of students in Klongqaw school, Promkiri district , Nakhon Si Thammarat province according to gender, class level, and average grade found that were different as  statistical significance at the  level of .001

          The suggestions concerning with problems and the way to solve the problems of performance according to virtues of students in Klongqaw school, Promkiri district, Nakhon Si Thammarat province found that the students in Klongqaw school had the most problems of kindness that means they was lack of  kindness aspect, like to be painful of animal, secondly. Learning requiring aspect, they did not like to read a book, they was lack of new knowledge, and the least problem as economic aspect, that is not regarding of any electric instruments, they had recommended the most that was effort aspect, they should try to effort themselves more and more, try to finish homework, try to be more effort than the past work, and followed by kindness aspect, they should give more kind to others, live animal, and the least was honest aspect, they should be more honesty. 

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