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The objective of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) to study the participation of people in village forest preservation Ban Thaphru - Awthalen, Khoathong sub - district, Mueang district, Krabi province. 2) to compare the participation of people in village forest preservation Ban Thaphru - Awthalen, Khoathong sub - district, Mueang district, Krabi province. in the different of sex, age, educational level and monthly salary. 3) to study the recommendation about the problem and the way to solve the participation of people in village forest preservation Ban Thaphru - Awthalen, Khoathong sub - district, Mueang district, Krabi province. The size of population by table Krejcie and Morgan the sample are 306 people. The instrument to collect the data are close and open questionnaires, we use the statistic program to analyze the frequency, percentage, average, diversion, the value of Z-test, F-test and LSD (Least Significant Difference)
The results found that:-
The participation of people in village forest preservation Ban Thaphru - Awthalen, Khoathong sub - district, Mueang district, Krabi province in the different of sex, age, educational level and occupation and the monthly salary found that it is in the high level. The result of comparison The participation of people in village forest preservation Ban Thaphru - Awthalen, Khoathong sub - district, Mueang district, Krabi province in the different of sex, age, educational level and occupation.; the significance is 0.001
The recommendation about problem and the way to solve The participation of people in village forest preservation Ban Thaphru - Awthalen, Khoathong sub - district, Mueang district, Krabi province. The problem is The less of information and the less of public relation. The less of protection for the forest damage from the people outside community. The way to solve the problem is the participation of outside community to protect the forest damage and cut the tree in the Forest Preservation. The people in the village should participate to plant the tree and watering also maintain the forest for the next generation.
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