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The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:- 1) To study the participation in mission of recruiting officers of sub-district headmen and village headmen, Mueang district, Songkhla province. 2) To compare the participation in mission of recruiting officers of sub-district headmen and village headmen, Mueang district, Songkhla province in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, and monthly incomes as differently. 3) To study the suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions the participation in mission of recruiting officers of sub-district headmen and village headmen, Mueang district, Songkhla province. The population were sub-district headmen, village headmen, assistant of village headmen, assistant sub-district headmen and sub-district physician, Mueang district, Songkhla province at the number of 203 persons, sample size according to the table of Krejcie and Morgan, got the sample at the number of 136 persons, the instrument for data collection was questionnaire both closed and open ended questions, data analysis by package computer program, the statistics were used as follows; frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t.test, F.test and testing the difference of mean in each pairs by LSD method (Least Significant Difference).
The results found that:
1. The participation in mission of recruiting officers of sub-district headmen and village headmen, Mueang district, Songkhla province found that by overviews were at moderate level, when considered in each aspects found that the aspect of participation in performance was the highest average and followed up the aspect of decision making and the aspect of assessment following was the lowest average, when classified in terms of sexes, ages, degrees of education, and monthly incomes found that by overviews were at moderate level
2. The comparative results of participation in mission recruiting officers of sub-district headmen and village headmen, Mueang district, Songkhla province, in terms of sexes, degrees of education, and monthly incomes found that there were different as statistical significance at .001 and in term of ages found that there were different as statistical significance at .01
3.The suggestions were concerned with problems and resolutions in participation in mission recruiting officers of sub-district headmen and village headmen, the problems found that some people thought that to follow and remark the man for choosing soldier that was the duty of district mission recruiting, some people scared for un-acceptable, some have more missions as a result they were not participate in mission recruiting. The resolutions found that there should invite sub-district headmen and village headmen to participate in seminar on the way to assessment following of mission recruiting, there should be given an opportunity to sub-district headmen and village headmen to express their opinions in performance of mission recruiting, there should invite sub-district headmen and village headmen by letter for participating in mission recruiting.
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