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The objectives of this thematic paper were as follows:-1) to people’s participation in development strategy plan of Kaotan Tambol administration organization, Thachang district, Surat Thani province. 2) to compare people’s participation in development strategy plan of Kaotan Tambol administration organization, Thachang district, Surat Thani province in terms of sexes, ages, degree of educations, occupation and monthly incomes as differently. 3) to study of people’s participation in development strategy plan of Kaotan Tambol administration organization, Thachang district, Surat Thani province, the population were people in Kaotan Tambol administration organization, sample size by Krejcie and Morgan’s table, got the sample at the number of 327 persons, the instrument for data collection was questionnaire, both closed and open end, data analysis by computer program, statistical analysis was carried out by frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Z-test F-test and LSD Method.
The results found that:
The people’s participation in development strategy plan of Kaotan Tambol administration organization, Thachang district, Surat Thani province by overviews were at moderate level, identified in terms of sexes, ages, degree of educations, occupation and monthly incomes found that by overviews were at moderate level, when considered in each aspect found that the aspect of development strategy plan doing was the highest average and followed up the aspect of development plan performance and the aspect of assessment and follow up was the lowest average.
The comparative results of people’s participation in development strategy plan of Kaotan Tambol administration organization, Thachang district, Surat Thani province identified in terms of sexes, ages, degree of educations, occupation and monthly incomes were different as statistical significance at 0.001.
The suggestion were concerned with problems and resolutions of people’s participation in development strategy plan of Kaotan Tambol administration organization, Thachang district, Surat Thani province, the problems found that the assessment and follow up committee were not accepted by people, some of them did not participate in projects, activities that was arranged, some of them did not meeting. The resolutions found that the committee should perform in full time, transparency, and more development, there should be offered some opinion from people for developing strategy plan performance and to perform according to development plan as much as posible.
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