Model of School Based Management in Primary School under Nongbualamphu Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2
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The purposes of this research were aim to: 1) to study the conditions on school based management in primary school under Nongbualamphu Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2, 2) to develop the model of school based management in primary school under Nongbualamphu Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2. and 3) to evaluate the model of school based management in primary school under Nongbualamphu Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2
The findings of this research were as follows:
1. The operational conditions of the educational administration of the schools under the Office of Nong Bua Lam Phu Primary Education Area 1, 2 were in the highest level.
2. The model of the school based management in primary school under Nongbualamphu Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2 consisted of 4 elements as following: Element 1 academic administration consists of 5 sub-elements, there are 23 operations, element 2 budget management consists of 5 sub-elements, there are 18 operations, element 3 personnel management consists of 5 sub-elements, there are 21 operations, element 4 general management consists of 5 sub-elements, there are 19 operations.
3. The model evaluation, related people and users had evaluated the model in possibility and practical use of the model of school based management in primary school under Nongbualamphu Primary Education Service Area Office 1, 2 were at the highest level appropriated overall; the practical use of the model and the possibility of the model were at the highest level.
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