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Awasda Kitsoun
Yoottana Janthakhin
Parinya Ruantip



            The purposes of this research were 1. to create an interdisciplinary knowledge test based on the 21st century learning concepts of upper secondary school students 2. to examine the structural validity of the interdisciplinary knowledge test based on the 21st century learning concepts of upper secondary school students and 3. to establish the normalization of the interdisciplinary knowledge scores based on the 21st century learning concept. The survey was conducted with 1,032 students obtained through multi-step randomization. The research tool was a test for interdisciplinary knowledge based on the 21st century learning concepts of upper secondary school students by analyzing the confirmatory factors using the Lisrel 8.7 program.

The research results found that:

            1. The interdisciplinary knowledge test based on the 21st century learning concept of upper secondary school students consisted of 5 aspects, and consisting of 20 questions including global awareness, financial economics business and entrepreneurial literacy civic literacy health literacy and environmental literacy. The reliability was equal to .710

            2. The examination of structural validity of the interdisciplinary knowledge test based on 21st century learning concepts of students at the upper secondary education level determining the weight of all 5 hidden variables from the standard weight coefficient, it appears that knowledge about the world and knowledge about finance, economics, business and entrepreneurship. The most important thing, which has structural validity from the confirmation of the good confirmatory factor.

            3. The normalization quizzes of interdisciplinary knowledge tests based on the 21st century learning concepts of students in upper secondary education were classified into 3 levels which were the higher group with Stanine ranges between 7-9 levels. The medium group had Stanine ranging from 4-6 and the lower group had Stanine ranging from 1-3, respectively.

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