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Shasitphiwat Kanyayon


This research aimed to study the guidelines for the development of educational quality through the internal supervision process and the satisfaction of those involved in internal supervision of Wat Ku Kham Municipality School, Chiang Mai Province. The target group of the research was 180 people consisting of teachers and educational personnel, school board members, students’ parental networkers, and parents. The research was carried out in accordance with the Research Development. Research instruments used to collect the data consisted of observation form, interview, and questionnaire. The mixed methods were implemented to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The statistics used for data analysis consisted of content analysis, mean and standard deviations.

Research findings;

1. For the current situation of the operation through internal supervision and needs of teachers for internal supervision process of Wat Ku Kham Municipality School, Chiang Mai Province, the research showed that the quality of the learners was not good enough for the appropriate standard and conditions of learning management of the school didn’t support the student-centered teaching and learning management. From these results, it is important to develop the school’s educational quality by using an internal supervision process.

2. Guidelines for the development of educational quality through the internal supervision process of the school consisted of preparation; specification of persons in charge of and information system management; specification of roles and duties for supervisors and supervisees; planning of participatory internal supervision, operation of supervision and plan implementation; supervision; supervising; follow up; checking supervision by using different tools, evaluation of supervision and improvement, conclusion of supervision; suggestion and solution as well as writing supervision report. The implementation of the internal supervision process in the school helped teachers to gain knowledge and ability in developing themselves to become qualified and knowledgeable teachers with operational skills of effective teaching and learning management. In addition, the overall score of student achievement increased in 5 subject groups. The overall score of desirable characteristics of the students considering based on the standard also increased. The repetition of the study helped the teachers to gain knowledge and ability in developing themselves to become qualified and knowledgeable teachers with operational skills of effective teaching and learning management. The satisfaction evaluation of guidelines for the development of educational quality through the internal supervision was at the highest level.

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