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The management is a broader meaning covering: 1) the variety of functions in determining the direction of using benefits from many resources efficiently to achieve the goal of the organization, 2) the process focusing on how to reach the organization’s goals by integral works using personnel and others materials, or 3) proceeding of environmental design and maintenance of working together to reach the goals efficiently. For organization design, it is essential to consider the line of responsibility, authority, and communication inside that organization to make it efficient and productive. With this consideration, all activities in the organization can be operated smoothly. The point of view on management presents that “it is the complexity of activity made by administrators, protected and improved to make them successful.” Management is the procedure or performance relating to men, materials, and office departments covering 1) policy management, 2) authority management, 3) morality management, 4) society management, 5) Planning, 6) organizing, 7) staff management, 8) directing, 9) coordinating, 10) reporting, and 11) budgeting. All of these are the way to apply the “administration process” or “the important factors for administration” called (PAMS-POSDCORB) as the management guidelines.
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