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Sirisuda Saengthong
Termsak Thongin
Surapon Suyaprom


This research aimed to 1) study the social welfare provision of the public sector for migrant workers in the upper north region, 2) study the components of social protection in social welfare provision of public sector for migrant workers in the upper north region, and 3) apply the Buddhist principles to the social welfare provision of public sector for migrant workers in the upper north region. The research methodology was qualitative research. Data were collected from 35 key informants by in-depth-interviewing and from 9 participants in focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by using descriptive interpretation.
The results showed that:
1. Social welfare provision of the public sector for migrant workers in the upper north region consisted of; 1) Health Service 2) Residential 3) Social Security 4) Education and 5) Social Work.
2. The components of social protection in social welfare provision of the public sector for migrant workers in the upper north region consisted of; 1) Protective Measures 2) Preventative Measures 3) Transformative Measures and 4) Promotive Measures.
3. For the application of Buddhist principles to the social welfare provision of the public sector for migrant workers in the upper north region, the principles of Saraniyadhamma 6 was applied based on the operation principles as follows: the service must be based on good service with good communication, reduce the conflict and create unity in coexistence, regard for accuracy as the norm, respect for the rights and freedoms without discrimination, recognize the dignity of equal humanity. To effectively provide social welfare for migrant workers, there must be a consensus as a fundamental principle that will lead to effective and targeted solutions.

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