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Phrakhruvinaithon Athit Suvadฺdฺho (Sookpanich)
Vacharin Chansilp
สุรพล สุยะพรหม


This research article aimed to 1) study the general condition, problems, and obstacles of enhancing the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi province, 2) study the factors affecting the enhancing of the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi province, and 3) present the integration of Buddhadhamm for enhancing the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi province.
This research was mixed-method research. Concerning qualitative research, data were collected by in-depth interviews from 18 key informants and analyzed by descriptive interpretation. For quantitative research, data were collected by questionnaires from 400 people who were the voting population with elections aged 18 years old and over in Phetchaburi Province from all 3 districts, totaling 380,759 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics: Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard deviation.
The results showed that:
1. The general condition, problems, and obstacles of enhancing the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi province: Politics in Phetchaburi was a continual patronage system.
2. The factors affecting the enhancing of the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi province: Overall, it was at a high level. When considering each aspect by the mean from the highest to lowest, the levels were as follows: Political Socialization and Sàràniyadhamma 6 for enhancing the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi Province.
3. The integration of Buddhadhamm for enhancing the democratic political culture of people in Phetchaburi Province based on Sàràniyadhamma 6 focused on the political change in political ideology, political attitudes adhering to the principles of democracy.

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