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Patcharee Saiboonyuan
Termsak Thong-In
Surapon Suyaprom


This research aimed to 1) analyze the general conditions and problems, obstacles, and social inequality in Loei Province, 2) study the process of promoting the solutions to social inequality in Loei Province, and 3) present the management model and solutions to social inequality in Loei Province by integrating the Buddhist principles. This research employed mixed methods between qualitative and quantitative research. For qualitative research, the sample was 17 key informants selected by purposive sampling. For quantitative research, the sample was selected by random sampling. They were people from 14 districts in Loei Province who had the right to elect members of the House of Representatives.

The research showed that;

1. An analysis of the general conditions and problems, obstacles, and social inequality in Loei Province: Loei is a border province located far away, leading to the difficulty in development. Most people still lack a proper understanding of the political system and prefer the patronage system.

2. Development of political knowledge and understanding to create fairness and reduce inequality in Loei Province: political participation must be created for the people for political development. There also must be the creation of social justice for people with equality. People must be allowed to access welfare and education to reduce social inequality. Overall, justice and political opportunity were high.

3. Model development presentation of political knowledge and understanding to create fairness and reduce inequality by integrating the Buddhist principles: Saranee Dharma 6 was applied to the political development to create fairness and reduce social inequality in Loei Province. Overall, the application of Saranee Dharma 6 was at a high level.

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