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Khemjira Kulkham
Teeraphong Somkhaoyai
Kasama Srisuwan


This research aimed to 1) study the retention and organizational commitment of personnel of the international schools in the south of Thailand, 2) study the personnel retention resulting in the organizational commitment of the international schools in the south of Thailand, and 3) propose the guidelines for personnel retention resulting organizational commitment of the international schools in the south of Thailand. The study applied the quantitative research method. The sample group included 155 Thai personnel from 12 schools responsible for supporting staff and teaching staff. Five key informants were chosen by purposive sampling based on the qualifications required by the researcher: having not less than ten years of working experience in the international schools within the formal education in the south of Thailand. The research tools were the questionnaire having qualified reliability of 0.975 and an in-depth online interview. The statistics for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple linear regression.

The research showed that:

1. The overall personnel retention in the international schools in the south of Thailand was high. The overall organizational commitment in the international schools in the south of Thailand was high.

2. Four variables affected the personnel retention resulting in organizational commitment in international schools in the south of Thailand: motivation, compensation management, personnel relations, and discipline and punishment, with the statistical significance at 0.05.

3. The guidelines for personnel retention resulting in the organizational commitment of international schools in the south of Thailand were as follows: “co-thinking and co-working” can increase personnel involvement, rise students and personnel to have satisfaction, pride, comfort, a sense of ownership, affection, faith, and good attitudes for the organization and a desire to be with the organization for as long as possible despite social and cultural differences.

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