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Phramaha Aphipong Phuriwuttano (Khamhongsa)
Phramaha Yothin Mahawiro (Massuk)
Phrakhusamu Hattaporn Kumphetdee
Khemjira Miss Khemjira


In the 21st century, the advancement of science and information technology is causing high economic and social competition. Therefore, it is necessary to accelerate the development and promotion of the people’s capacity in their countries to be quality human resources. An essential tool for improving the quality of the population is education. The mechanism for improving the quality of learners is the teachers, which are the leading force in developing quality learners and helping them keep up with the ever-changing world. Teachers in the 21st century have changed from being knowledge tellers, educators, learning managers, and learning designers to teachers that aim to teach learners to think and be able to deal with changes wisely as happening in the future. A teacher who is filled with the spirit of a teacher will determine to develop his students to be good citizens of the nation. Teachers, as the parents of the disciples, will perform the same duties as parents, educate, teach, prevent, and forbid students to stay away from evil things. Therefore, various comparisons are created for teachers, such as being a spiritual leader, a beacon to light the way, a mold, a matriarch, or even a hired boat. Teachers lead the students to success like the great teacher of the world, the Lord Buddha, who taught both gods and humans to escape from evils or point out the path of happiness, Nirvana. Thus, teachers are essential to students.

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