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Yotsawan Srichai
Detchat Treesap
Supreecha Chamnanphuttiphon


        The article “Living under Bala Principles 5 of Prisoners in Songkhla Central Prison” aims to 1) study the prisoners’ way of life under the Bala Principles 5 in Songkhla Central Prison and 2) study the recommendations for prisoners’ way of life under the Bala principles 5 in Songkhla Central Prison. The research employed mixed methodology research, and the sample for the quantitative research included 359 prisoners of the Songkhla Central Prison. Statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. For the qualitative research, the questionnaire and interview form were used to collect in-depth and structured data from three staff members. Then the data were analyzed using content analysis to find the conclusions.

        The results showed that;

        1. Overall, prisoners’ way of life under the Bala Principles 5 in Songkhla Central Prison was high in all aspects. When considering each aspect by descending mean values, Concentration and Intention had the highest average, followed by Persistence and Endeavor, next was Faith and Belief, then Consciousness and Recall, and finally, Intelligence and Knowledge had the lowest level.

        2. Recommendations for prisoners’ way of life under the Bala Principles 5 in Songkhla Central Prison were divided into problems and ways to promote how to solve the problems. Most suggestions were for the aspect of Intelligence and Knowledge. There should be activities to give more knowledge about morals and ethics or campaigns to encourage the prisoners to apply more Buddhist principles to their lives. The correct understanding can lead to applying Bala Principles 5 for the ways of life.

        From the results gained by interviews, all informants agreed that Bala Principles 5 could be used as the practical principles for the prisoners while living in the Songkhla Central Prison. These principles were directly beneficial to the prisoners. There should be the support and promotion of the Bala Principles 5, including the training programs organized to give knowledge in various areas, such as character development and vocational training, for the benefit of the prisoners. Social friends, officers, and Prisons can live together in a normal and peaceful society under the law and control of the country. It also affects the implementation after the prisoners return to normal society.

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