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Uraiwan Keawkate
Ratthaporn Klinmalee
Nopparat Chairueang


This project evaluation aimed to assess 1) the project context, 2) the input factors, 3) the operational process, and 4) the project productivity. The sample group consisted of 44 teachers and personnel, including 73 parents. The assessment instrument was four copies of five-point scale questionnaires. From the original result records from the academic department or the class teachers, the research gained the potential development of disabled children defined in individual education or family support plans of the project to change the house into a classroom and turn parents into teachers for Krabi Special Education Center of Academic Year 2021. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results showed that:

1. Overall, the context of the project to change the home into a classroom and turn parents into teachers of Krabi Provincial Special Education Center was appropriate at a high level.

2. Overall, the input factors of the project to change the home into a classroom and turn parents into teachers of Krabi Provincial Special Education Center was appropriate at a high level.

3. Overall, the operation process of the project to change the home into a classroom and turn parents into teachers of Krabi Provincial Special Education Center was appropriate at a high level.

4. The productivity of the project to change the home into a classroom and turn parents into teachers of Krabi Provincial Special Education Center was as follows:

4.1 Overall, the results from implementing the project to change the home to a classroom and turn parents into teachers were appropriate at a high level.

4.2 The potential development of disabled children under the project to change the home into a classroom and turn parents into teachers: the results of the development of disabled children as specified in individual education or family support plans for the academic year 2021, the research found that 100% of the learners passed the assessment criteria.

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