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This project assessment aimed to 1) evaluate the context of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprachanukroh 1 School under the Office of Krabi Primary Educational Service Area, 2) evaluate the input factors of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanukroh 1 School under the Office of Krabi Primary Educational Service Area, 3) evaluate the process of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanukroh 1 School under the Office of Krabi Primary Educational Service Area, and 4) evaluate the results of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprachanukroh 1 School under the Office of Krabi Primary Educational Service Area. The sample group comprised three school administrators, one president of the educational committees, 14 teachers, 28 parents, and 108 high school students, totaling 154 persons. The sample group was selected by stratified random sampling using the Krejcie & Morgan sample size grid. The instrument used in this research was the opinion questionnaire. The statistics for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation.
The research showed that;
Overall, the evaluation of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanugroh 1 School under the Krabi Primary Educational Service Area Office was the highest. When considering each aspect, there were three items at the highest level, and 1 item at the high level, arranged by the arithmetic mean value from highest to lowest: input, context, outcome, and process. The details were as follows:
1. Overall, the context of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanugroh 1 School under the Krabi Primary Educational Service Area Office was appropriate at the highest level.
2. Overall, the inputs of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanugroh 1 School under the Krabi Primary Educational Service Area Office was appropriate at the highest level.
3. Overall, the process of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanugroh 1 School under the Krabi Primary Educational Service Area Office was appropriate at the highest level.
4. Overall, the outcome of the Sufficiency Economy Project of Rajaprajanugroh 1 School under the Krabi Primary Educational Service Area Office was appropriate at the highest level.
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