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Kunakorn Kuaduang


This research aimed to 1) study coexistence for a peaceful society using Saraniyadhamma 6, 2) study the recommendations on the guidelines for coexistence for a peaceful society using Saraniyadhamma 6 in Mueang District, Krabi province with a population of 117,253 people. Using Krejcie & Morgan's Table to determine the sample size, the research gained a reliability level of 95% and the sample group for this research. The sample group consisted of 384 people: monks, community leaders, and academicians. The research tool used to collect data was the questionnaires, having the Indicator of Compromise (IOC) of each item of 1.00 for all items. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results showed that:

1. An application of Saraniyadhamma 6 in Muang District, Krabi Province, revealed that Thittisamunyata has the highest result average, followed by Sataranaphokee and Metamanokham. The lowest satisfaction average was Metakayakham.

2. The recommendations on the guidelines for coexistence for a peaceful society using Saraniyadhamma 6 in Mueang District, Krabi province: there are essential factors in promoting coexistence for a peaceful society as follows: being mindful and considering various problems with intellect can lead society to peace. At the same time, the mind's expression of kindness by setting good intentions toward others can build a relationship that can be seen concretely and makes a peaceful society.

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