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Saree Thongdam
Werayut Chatakan
Teeraphong Somkhaoyai


         This research aimed to 1) study teacher empowerment by school administrators, 2) compare teacher empowerment by school administrators, and 3) find the guidelines on teacher empowerment by school administrators. The sample included 357 school administrators and teachers. School size was set by multistage stratified sampling. The sample size was set following the Krejcie and Morgan Table (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). The research instrument was an interview form. The statistics included descriptive statistics, frequency, percentage, mean, SD, t-test, F-test, and ANOVA.

         The findings revealed that:

         1. Overall, teacher empowerment by school administrators was high. When considering each aspect, motivation, building leadership, building organizational environment, and building teamwork were high, respectively. Participation in decision-making was moderate.

          2. Overall, the comparison of teacher empowerment by school administrators in different aspects had no difference. When considering each aspect, it found the difference between building teamwork and an organizational environment with a statistical significance of .05. The rest were not different.

          3. Guidelines on teacher empowerment by school administrators were as follows: 1) Building motivation: teachers should be promoted to work under their expectations, interests, and responsibilities based on their competency. 2) Participation in decision-making: teachers should be allowed to participate in setting school visions, work plans, performance assessments, and solving school problems altogether. 3) Building an organizational environment, teachers should have opportunities to perform essential and challenging jobs as per their proficiency and equal opportunities to accumulate their work skills. 4) Building leadership: school administrators should show their visions, behave as good role models, and promote creativity to the teachers. They should also be encouraged to face problems caused by changes and motivated to complete their jobs. 5) Building teamwork: teachers should be allowed to work together independently. Teamwork should be supported. Different acceptances should be provided, as well as knowledge sharing and teamwork decentralization for decision-making and agility.

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