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The study consisted of the following objectives: 1) to develop a system of team teaching using experience-based approach for student teachers at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokkaraj Campus; 2) to test the efficiency of a team teaching system using experience-based approach for student teachers at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokkaraj Campus; and 3) to certify a system of team teaching using experience-based approach for student teachers at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokkaraj Campus. The study employed research and development (R&D) method. The sample group used included the following: 1) 13 experts; 2) 70 student teachers at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Srithammasokkaraj Campus. The developed teaching system was experimented for its initial efficiency on 3 individuals, a group of 9 persons, and 30 participants in a field study, for a total of 42 persons. It was also used to teach with a sample group of 28 persons to find the efficiency of the teaching system; and 3) The efficiency of the teaching system was assessed by experts. The statistics used included mean, percentage, standard deviation, content validity, questionnaire reliability, and a comparison of competency test scores.
The following results are found:
1. A system of team teaching using experience-based approach for student teachers at Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sri Thammasokrat Campus consists of the following elements: 1) Context analysis 2) Input 3) Process 4) Output and 5) Feedback.
2. From testing the efficiency of a team teaching system using experience-based approach in a field study, the findings revealed efficiency E1/E2 equal to 84.07/ 85.46, which is according to the standard criteria of 85/85.
3. From certifying a system of team teaching using experience-based approach by considering the 5-level criteria, the findings found that the mean is equal to 4.43, indicating that the propriety is at the highest level.
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