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Phramaha Khanawut Aggapannyo (Bamrungsub)


        The development of professional teachers involves nurturing 21st-century skills in students. Teachers must foster critical thinking, creativity, communication, collaboration, and global and cultural awareness. Networking is increasingly vital in professional teacher development. Teachers should collaborate with colleagues within their own and other schools to share best practices and learn from each other. Moreover, working with parents, communities, and other stakeholders is crucial for effective teaching and enhancing students' adaptability and resilience. It necessitates shifting from traditional teaching methods to participatory learning, where students benefit optimally.

        Teachers impart knowledge through various teaching and learning management techniques to enhance human learning and develop learners' potential for a better quality of life. Therefore, teachers are benevolent mentors, imparting knowledge like second parents providing love and care. Good teachers are dedicated to brightening students' futures, fostering lifelong learners, and instilling moral consciousness for societal betterment. Thus, teachers must be able to convey their comprehensive knowledge, combining both science and art, and act as spiritual leaders. Being a teacher requires more than knowledge or a trustworthy demeanor; it requires specialized training and professional recognition. Teachers hold a societal role with expected responsibilities, ethics, and virtues. Consequently, those in the teaching profession must continually seek knowledge and self-improvement. Historically, teachers centered on instructing students, but now they must adapt to design student-centered learning experiences and stay abreast of rapidly changing information to create appropriate learning processes. The teaching profession is honorable, providing guidance for beneficial learning outcomes and shaping individuals into valuable societal and national contributors.

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