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Bunchira Phuchanajita


This article aims to describe political campaigning through social media. for political use In which today's society has a lifestyle in the form of relying mainly on digital technology. Makes communication to connect relationships happen quickly, conveniently and easily to present information. Expressing opinions or criticizing various aspects of society is free and unbounded. because commenting via social media Real identity is not required. Therefore, it is popular for people to express their opinions, both positive and negative. Whether it is an opinion on a story that is in the social trend or outside the social trend. There are no rules either, so social media can have an impact on political campaigns. Because social media has become an important tool for politicians. To connect with voters and spread their message. Social media has helped politicians reach more audiences than traditional media. This makes it possible to measure opinions about matters such as political parties' policies online. It can be seen that social media is an economical medium. Great cost reduction They are cheaper than traditional media such as television, radio or print media. but at the same time Social media has also made it easier for politicians to engage in negative campaigns. Because it can spread negative information about the policies of the opposing party. This may have a great impact on opinions and popular ratings from the public as well. It will open the right to communicate, including the right to receive news and information. and the right to express opinions with provisions guaranteed in the constitution and the law has accepted but in practice The government itself has not allowed the exercise of rights in many matters and has also restricted opinions on certain matters as well.

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