Guidelines for Determining Outcome Indicators to Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx): A Case Study of Faculty of Education

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Arunsri Kangpheng
Thongsook Siri
Ongunya Baochanya
Saranlapat Litsanan


This research aims to 1) study the issues and obstacles in applying the educational quality criteria for operational excellence into practice; 2) analyze the consistency of key performance indicator on the implementation of educational quality criteria for operational excellence of the Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University and 3) study guidelines to develop and improve the implementation of educational quality criteria for operational excellence into effective practice. The samples were administrators, lecturers, and support staffs for 113. The research instruments were questionnaires and group discussion recordings. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage and content analysis. The research result found that 1) the issues and obstacles in applying the educational quality criteria for operational excellence into practice were (1) the staffs were lack of apprehension on EdPEx (2) Lack of involvement with all parties involved (3) indicators were lack of connection with educational quality assurance performance (4) Lack of communication for the EdPEx criteria apprehension (5) the budget implementation plan did not meet the EdPEx criteria; 2) the result of the consistency of key performance indicator revealed that the key performance indicators for the operational excellence according to EdPEx criteria as 5 areas, 127 indicators, including the learning aspect of the students and the process for 58, the customer focus for 13, the staff focus for 23, the organization Leadership and supervision for 15, and the Budgeting, Finance and Market for 18; and 3) Guidelines for developing and improving the implementation of the important EdPEx quality criteria were (1) prepared the training on EdPEx quality criteria (2) prepared student representatives from all disciplines take part in achieving the specified indicators in planning, Implement plans, evaluation and improvement (3) defined as a measure to link QA performance with salary promotion, performance, bonuses and merit (4) communicated for the EdPEx apprehension building to related staffs, and (5) prepared a budget and financial action plan, aggregate measures, financial viability and budgetary performance.

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How to Cite
Kangpheng , A., Siri, T., Baochanya, O., & Litsanan, S. (2022). Guidelines for Determining Outcome Indicators to Education Criteria for Performance Excellence (EdPEx): A Case Study of Faculty of Education. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(6), 31–43. Retrieved from
Research Article


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