Coaching Supervision Development for Enhancing Mathematics Learning Process of Teachers in Kalasin Municipality

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Pradu Namloa
Wiraporn Songsang
Chutipa Buddeevong
Tewarit Polyiam
Ubon Wannapat


The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze fundamental data 2) design and develop coaching supervision 3) experiment coaching supervision, and 4) evaluate and improve coaching supervision for enhancing Mathematics learning process of teachers in Kalasin Municipality. This researcher employed Research and Development and Mixed Methods Research Eight teachers, 235 students from Kalasin Municipality schools were selected with purposive sampling method. The research instruments were coaching supervision manual, coaching supervision plan, coaching supervision calendar, lesson plan, achievement test, competency valuation test, record form, observation form, questionnaire and focus group topics. Statistical analysis employed were mean, standard deviation, percentage, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, dependent t-test and content analysis. The research findings were: 1) The development model's four phases are fundamental data analysis, coaching supervision design and development, coaching supervision experiment and effectiveness study, and the coaching supervision design and development comprises three components -- principles, objectives, and support factors. The peer cognitive coaching procedure's 8 steps are Step1, analyzing needs and deciding focus; Step 2, preparing knowledge and skills for coaching, Step3, collaborative planning and setting objective, Step4, coaching, Step5, mid cycle reviewing and reflective discussion, Step, proceeding coaching cycle, Step7, reflective reviewing and conclusions, Step8, collaborative evaluation of coaching supervision implementation. 2) Coaching supervision capacity and teachers' critical thinking oriented learning management after the model implementation are higher before treatment with .01 statistical significance.  The teachers agree that the developed coaching supervision model promotes their career development and critical thinking oriented learning management. Students' learning achievement and critical thinking skills after treatment are higher with .01 statistical significance. The students also approve teachers' critical thinking oriented learning management at high level.

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How to Cite
Namloa, P., Songsang, W., Buddeevong, C., Polyiam, T., & Wannapat, U. (2022). Coaching Supervision Development for Enhancing Mathematics Learning Process of Teachers in Kalasin Municipality. Journal of Intellect Education, 1(2), 14–27. Retrieved from
Research Article


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