Developing a Teaching Model with an Electronic Reading Promotion Book, Roi Et Storytelling Series, Combined with Graphic Organizer Techniques to Develop Reading Comprehension for Mathayom 4 Students

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Risa Chuchuaysuwan
Pimporn Charuchit


This Article aimed to study 1) to find efficiency of the teaching model with the electronic reading promotion book, Roi Et Storytelling series, together with the graphic organizer technique to develop reading comprehension of Mathayom 4 students according to the standard criteria 80/80. 2) to compare the results of Achievement in learning before and after studying with the teaching method using the electronic reading promotion book, Roi Et Storytelling Set, together with the graphic organizer technique to develop reading comprehension of Mathayom 4 students. 3) to study the Students' satisfaction with the teaching method with the electronic reading promotion book, Roi Et Storytelling series, combined with the graphic organizer technique to develop reading comprehension of Mathayom 4 students.     The sample group used in this research was 30 Mathayom 4/1 students at Nong Ya Ma Municipal School. (Roi Et Municipality Sports School) in Semester 2 of academic year 2022. Tools used in the research include learning management plan, the electronic reading promotion book, a test to measure academic achievement, and a form to assess student satisfaction The results of this research found that; (1) Teaching model with an electronic reading promotion book, Roi Et Storytelling series, combined with graphical planning techniques to develop reading comprehension of Mathayom 4 students have effective at 82.33/81.22. (2) Students have higher academic achievement after studying than before studying with statistical significance at the .01 level, and (3) Student satisfaction with the teaching method with the electronic reading promotion book, Roi Et Storytelling Set, combined with the graphic organizer technique to develop reading comprehension of Mathayom 4 students is at the high level.

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How to Cite
Chuchuaysuwan, R. ., & Charuchit, P. . (2024). Developing a Teaching Model with an Electronic Reading Promotion Book, Roi Et Storytelling Series, Combined with Graphic Organizer Techniques to Develop Reading Comprehension for Mathayom 4 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(4), 49–57. Retrieved from
Research Article


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