Effective Early Childhood Education Administrative Management of Bilingual Schools: Sakon Nakhon Bilingual School

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Supansa Boonanong


The study aims 1) to study and analyze the past, status quo and effective early childhood education management practices in Sakon Nakhon Bilingual School, 2) to develop integrated management based on the concepts of F.M. (Facility Management) and ELMA using participatory action research approach, and 3) to measure management effectiveness development consisted of 3 indicators: Teachers' learning management competencies, stakeholder reactions and early childhood learners learning behavior evaluation all of which using the principles of integration of the management concepts of F.M. and ELMA. The target groups for this research include: 1 researcher, 12 kindergarten teachers as co-researchers, 21 key informants, including three educational experts and 18 students’ parents. The results were as follows: 1. After 5 years the school has evolved from a daycare center to a medium-sized private school. As a result, the school provides an appropriate, clean environment, facility management and fundamental facilities for early childhood education management. Parents’ satisfaction is high resulting in their cooperation in all student activities. 2. F.M. and ELMA have been adopted and continuously integrated in order to enhance the quality of learners. After the implementation of the entire projects in 2 spirals. This allows participants to better divide responsibilities and collaborate. The co-researchers’ performance were assessed at a great level. 3. The findings allow the co-researchers to create early childhood learning plans that can be used in learning classroom management and learners’ assessment. Three aspects of effective management are the co-researchers’ learning management capacity was increased 12.54%. Stakeholders’ satisfaction of management effectiveness was excellent. Students’ performances and development after the research was excellent compared to the Likert’s 5 Rating Scale. The research achieved all 3 objectives.

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How to Cite
Boonanong , S. . (2024). Effective Early Childhood Education Administrative Management of Bilingual Schools: Sakon Nakhon Bilingual School. Journal of Intellect Education, 2(5), 54–70. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IEJ/article/view/271164
Research Article


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