The Learning Management Based on Harrows’s Instructional Model for Psychomotor Domain on Learning Achievement and Practical Skill on Making Thai Desserts of Grade 8 Students

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Sirirat Kamacheewa
Jongkon Buakaew


The aims of this study were 1) to compare the learning outcomes in Occupations of 8th Grade students before and after learning management with Harrow's instructional model for the psychomotor domain. 2) to compare 8th Grade students' practical skills in making Thai desserts after learning management based on Harrow's instructional model for the psychomotor domain with the criteria of 80%; and 3) to examine students’ satisfaction with learning based on Harrow's instructional model for the psychomotor domain. The sample was 28 Grade 8 students, Songkhla Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, in the second semester of academic year 2023. The research instruments consisted of 1) five lesson plans using Harrow’s psychomotor domain instructional model for making a Thai dessert; 2) a learning achievement test for making a Thai dessert; 3) a practical skills test for making a Thai dessert; and 4) a satisfaction assessment form. The data were analyzed using the mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of this study show that 1) Learning performance after learning management based on Harrow's instructional model for the psychomotor domain was higher than before learning, with results statistically significant at the level of. 05. 2) Grade 8 students' practice skills after learning management based on Harrow's instructional model for the psychomotor domain were higher than the criteria of 80%, with the level being statistically significant. 05. 3) Grade 8 students' satisfaction with learning based on Harrow's model for the psychomotor domain was the highest.

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How to Cite
Kamacheewa , S. ., & Buakaew , J. . (2024). The Learning Management Based on Harrows’s Instructional Model for Psychomotor Domain on Learning Achievement and Practical Skill on Making Thai Desserts of Grade 8 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(2), 1–14. Retrieved from
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