Development of School Management Model to Create Good People by Integrating Sufficency Economy Philosophy Mattayomnongkait School

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Prajak Banyong


The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the problems and guidelines of school management to create good people; 2) create a school management model to create good people; 3) study the results of using the school management model to create good people; and 4) evaluate and improve the management model of educational institutions to create good people by integrating Sufficiency Economy philosophy. There are 4 steps: Step 1: Study problems and approaches to promoting good people. Step 2: Develop a school management model to create good people. Step 3: Use the school management model to create good people. Step 4: Evaluate the use of the school management model to create good people by integrating the Sufficiency Economy philosophy. The results were as follows: 1) Problems and guidelines for school management to create good, divided into 5 aspects: (1) Management; (2) Curriculum; (3) Learning Activities; (4) Parent Engagement; (5) Teachers and educational personnel. 2) The management model of educational institutions to schools creates good people by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (BTH Model) appropriate and useful at the highest level. 3) The results of the school management model to create good people by Integrating Sufficiency Economy Philosophy found that students after using the assessment are higher than before, and the results of the evaluation of student opinions of people participating in this project were found to have the highest level. 4). Satisfaction assessment results from education institution administration, teachers, academic staff, students, and parents were at the highest level. The objectives of this research were to: 1) study the problems and guidelines of school management to create good people; 2) create a school management model to create good people; 3) study the results of using the school management model to create good people; and 4) evaluate and improve the management model of educational institutions to create good people by integrating Sufficiency Economy philosophy. There are 4 steps: Step 1: Study problems and approaches to promoting good people. Step 2: Develop a school management model to create good people. Step 3: Use the school management model to create good people. Step 4: Evaluate the use of the school management model to create good people by integrating the Sufficiency Economy philosophy. The results were as follows: 1) Problems and guidelines for school management to create good people by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, divided into 5 aspects: (1) Management; (2) Curriculum; (3) Learning Activities; (4) Parent Engagement; (5) Teachers and educational personnel. 2) The management model of educational institutions to schools creates good people by integrating the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (BTH Model) appropriate and useful at the highest level. 3) The results of the school management model to create good people by Integrating Sufficiency Economy Philosophy found that students after using the assessment are higher than before, and the results of the evaluation of student opinions of people participating in this project were found to have the highest level. 4) The satisfaction assessment results from education institution administration, teachers, academic staff, students, and parents were at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Banyong , P. . (2024). Development of School Management Model to Create Good People by Integrating Sufficency Economy Philosophy Mattayomnongkait School. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(2), 15–30. Retrieved from
Research Article


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