Task-Based Learning Management with Group Process Techniques on the Development of Chinese Listening-Speaking Skills of Grade 11 Students

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Wasita Maklamay
Kullaphat Yingdumnoon


The objectives of this research were:1) to compare Chinese listening skills after learning using task-based learning management with group process techniques of Grade 11 students with the criteria of 70 percent, 2) to compare Chinese speaking skills after learning using task-based learning with group process techniques of Grade 11 students with the criteria of 70 percent, and 3) to study the Grade 11 students’ satisfaction towards learning using task-based learning management with group process techniques. The sample group was 40 Grade 11 students in room 6, who were enrolled to study in Chinese subject. Cluster random sampling was employed. The research instruments consisted of 1) lesson plans based on task-based learning management with group process techniques, 2) a Chinese listening test, 3) a Chinese speaking test, and 4) satisfaction questionaries on task-based learning with group process techniques. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and single sample t-test. The research showed that 1) the grade 11 students’ Chinese listening skills after learning using task-based learning management with group process techniques were higher than the criteria of 70 percent with statistically significant at .01, 2) the grade 11 students’ Chinese speaking skills after learning using task-based learning management with group process techniques was higher than the criteria of 70 percent with statistically significant at .01, and 3) the grade 11 students’ satisfaction towards learning using task-based learning management with group process techniques was at a high level.

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How to Cite
Maklamay, W. ., & Yingdumnoon, K. . (2024). Task-Based Learning Management with Group Process Techniques on the Development of Chinese Listening-Speaking Skills of Grade 11 Students. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(3), 15–32. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/IEJ/article/view/275947
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