The Development of Learning Experience Model Based on Multiple Intelligences Combined with Science Skills Exercises to Enhance Basic Scientific Process Skills for the Second Year Kindergarten, Bantoom Municipal School

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Yupin Khemwiang


This research aimed to (1) analyze basic information and the need for developing the Learning Experience Model to enhance basic scientific process skills, (2) design and develop the Learning Experience Model based on multiple intelligences combined with science skills exercises to effectively enhance basic scientific process skills according to the 80/80 criterion, (3) implement the Learning Experience Model based on multiple intelligences combined with science skills exercises to enhance basic scientific process skills, and (4) evaluate the Learning Experience Model based on multiple intelligences combined with science skills exercises to enhance basic scientific process skills. The target group consisted of 13 second-year kindergarten students during the second semester of the 2022 academic year. Research instruments included issue identification and cause analysis records, research problem analysis forms, problem-solving and activity design records, a model implementation manual, experience planning, basic scientific process skills exercises, and basic scientific process skills evaluation forms. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, and quantitative data were analyzed using basic statistics. The research findings revealed that (1) there is an urgent need to develop basic scientific process skills in children through the Learning Experience Model based on multiple intelligences combined with science skills exercises, (2) the Learning Experience Model based on multiple intelligences combined with science skills exercises to enhance basic scientific process skills includes principles, objectives, learning management methods, measurement and evaluation, and factors and conditions for implementation, (3) the effectiveness of the Learning Experience Model based on multiple intelligences combined with science skills exercises for enhancing basic scientific process skills in second-year kindergarten students was found to be 85.56/85.52, exceeding the set criteria, and (4) the evaluation results indicated that students' average basic scientific process skills increased by 4.30, representing 47.78 percent, and 92.31 percent of students met the criteria, surpassing the set goal.

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How to Cite
Khemwiang , Y. . (2024). The Development of Learning Experience Model Based on Multiple Intelligences Combined with Science Skills Exercises to Enhance Basic Scientific Process Skills for the Second Year Kindergarten, Bantoom Municipal School. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(2), 31–49. Retrieved from
Research Article


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