Improving the Literacy Abilities of Elementary School Students: Participatory Action Research

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Chalermwutpitak Laplai
Phattaranan Lai-ngam
Surin Numnaphol


This research aims to study the problems and development approaches for improving the reading and writing abilities of elementary school students through a participatory action research process with 2 circuits and 10 steps. The research participants are divided into two groups: 9 internal school personnel, including school administrators, the head of the academic department, the head of the Thai language curriculum group, and Thai language teachers, and 6 external school personnel, who are parents of the participating students in grades 1-6. The target group for development is 35 students in grades 1-6. The research tools used include interviews, surveys, recording forms, observations, and evaluations. The data analysis involves qualitative content analysis and quantitative data analysis using frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The research found that 28.00% of students did not pass the assessment of reading and writing abilities. Three development projects were proposed, including a project for digital reading and writing on YouTube and TikTok, a project for developing learning processes, and a project for the open house. The researchers and participants gained new knowledge from practical experiences in terms of knowledge, experience, and new knowledge from practice. These included the leadership principle of participatory action research in the specific context of the school, the new knowledge gained by the participants through daily reading and writing activities led by the class teacher, regular teacher meetings to solve problems together, and communication between teachers and parents through weekly student progress reports. Lastly, new knowledge was acquired from collaborative lesson planning, specifically in creating professional learning communities.

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How to Cite
Laplai, C. ., Lai-ngam, P. . ., & Numnaphol , S. . (2024). Improving the Literacy Abilities of Elementary School Students: Participatory Action Research. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(2), 50–67. Retrieved from
Research Article


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