Being an Innovative Organization of the Pilot Schools in Innovative Education Sandbox: A Case Study of Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Ekkarin Sungtong
Anupap Thupaang
Pichaya Naewbantad
Parusinee Meesuk


This qualitative research employs a case study design to investigate being an innovative organization of the pilot schools in the innovative education sandbox. The case study focuses on schools under the jurisdiction of the Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The research involved nine key informants, including three school directors, three academic heads, and three lead teachers responsible for educational innovations or classroom teaching. The key informants were selected by using a purposive sampling technique.  The research tools of the study were semi-structured interview protocols, and the data were analyzed using content analysis techniques. The findings reveal that being an innovative organization of these pilot schools consists of four key aspects: (1) Organizational structures conducive to innovation, including decentralized and horizontal organizational structures, the establishment of innovation zone task forces, and the appointment of school committees; (2) Effective communication, involving diverse communication formats and channels both internally and externally, the use of innovations or tools to enhance communication efficiency, and the integration of shared information to ensure consistent understanding; (3) Organizational culture that fosters innovation, encompassing the promotion of knowledge exchange processes, support for diverse idea presentations, and encouragement of positive attitudes towards collaborative work; and (4) Efficient personnel development, which includes promoting and supporting the use of appropriate innovative learning management and encouraging staff participation in professional skill development training.

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Sungtong, E. ., Thupaang, A. ., Naewbantad, P. ., & Meesuk, P. . (2024). Being an Innovative Organization of the Pilot Schools in Innovative Education Sandbox: A Case Study of Pattani Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. Journal of Intellect Education, 3(5), 1–16. Retrieved from
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