Transformative Leadership and Innovative Behavior in Medical Education: Mediating Effects of Psychological Empowerment and Creative Self-Efficacy

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Kotchaphan Wilaphan
Songkram Noawanit
Sungworn Ngudgratoke


Developing innovative behavior among employees is one of the approaches supported to enhance quality human resources to function well in the organization and gain an advantage over competitors. The aims of the study were to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative behavior, with psychological empowerment and creative self-efficacy as mediating variables. Data were collected from 153 staff members of a medical school in Thailand via self-reported questionnaires. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicated that transformative leadership was significantly and positively associated with all variables studied: innovative behavior (β = .49; t = 11.92; p < .001), psychological empowerment (β = .84; t = 15.72; p < .001), and creative self-efficacy (β = .83; t = 12.47; p < .001). It was also found that, psychological empowerment (β = .21; t = 2.40; p = .05) and creative self-efficacy (β = .54; t = 10.00; p < .001) were positively and significantly associated with innovative behavior. In addition, only creative self-efficacy partially mediates the relationship between transformative leadership and innovative behavior (β = .49; p < .001), while psychological empowerment does not (β = -.13; p > .05). The study recommends that medical school managers enhance transformative leadership through creative self-efficacy to foster higher innovative behavior among staff.


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How to Cite
Wilaphan, K., Noawanit, S., & Ngudgratoke , S. . (2023). Transformative Leadership and Innovative Behavior in Medical Education: Mediating Effects of Psychological Empowerment and Creative Self-Efficacy. The Journal of Behavioral Science, 18(2), 50–69. retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Songkram Noawanit, Department of Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.

Name                         Noawanit Songkram   * corresponding author

Title                            Professor Dr.                                                               

Institution                  Department of Educational Technology and Communications, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 10330

Learning Innovation for Thai Society Research Unit (LIFTS), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 10330

Telephone                  (+068) 1848 5490      



Sungworn Ngudgratoke , Department of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand.

Name                         Sungworn Ngudgratoke
Associate Professor Dr.                                                        

Institution                  Department of Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Faculty of Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand,11120

Telephone                  (066) 504-8574          





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