Learning Integration of Subject Areas between Thai Language and Social Studies, Religion and Culture for Secondary Students on Creative Tourism
Learning Integration of Subject Areas, Creative Tourism, Learning Activity, Social Studies, Religion and Culture, Thai LanguageAbstract
This project proposes to achieve these following objectives: 1) to create activity package and video on creative tourism by learning integration between two subject areas of Thai Language and Social Studies, Religion and Culture for secondary students, 2) to study the quality of activity package and video of creative tourism by Integrated learning of both subject areas, and 3) to compare the learning achievement of students in Thai and Social subjects before and after participation in the Integrated activity package. The research instrument consisted of; 1) activity package and video of creative tourism by learning Integration between subject area of Thai Language and subject area of Social Studies, Religion and Culture for secondary education, 2) qualitative the activity package and video evaluation form, and 3) learning integration achievement test of Thai Language in the creative article writing and Social Studies in the characteristics of the area affecting the economic activities of each region of the world. The sampling group were 30 grade-11 students from the Rattanakosinsompoch Bangkhunthian School in academic year of 2019. The statistics used in data analysis were mean standard deviation and dependents samples t-test.
The results showed that the activity package and video on creative tourism by learning Integration between two subject areas of Thai Language and Social Studies, Religion and Culture for secondary student grade 11 included of 3 activities; (1) "Open the Door to the World", the area affecting the economic activities of each region of the world (Social Studies), (2) "Find to Share" creative writing articles (Thai Language), and (3) skill practice in creative article writing on the characteristics of the area affecting the economic activities of each region of the world. There were 3 steps in learning management; Introduction, Instruction and Conclusion. The video media is 2.38 minutes in duration presenting on creative tourism to add value to tourist attractions. It also provided knowledge, fun and a variety of information to the audiences, such as climate, agriculture, industry, tourist attractions and lifestyle of the local people. The quality of content was at the level of “good”, the quality of video and activity was at the level of “very good”, and the average of post-test score learning achievement of samples in Thai Language subject and Social subject were higher than the average of pre-test score with the statistical significance at the level of 0.05.
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