Results of Learning Management by Using Multimedia Teaching Materials Affecting the Learning Achievement on Basic Quranic Reading with Mixing Sukun Vowel of Primary School Students, Year 3, Santiwittaya, Yala Province


  • Sunkibplee Khanae


Basic Quranic Reading, Mixing Sukun Vowel, Multimedia Teaching Materials


The purposes of this research were: 1) to examine the effects of learning management by using multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel for grade 3 primary school students, 2) to compare the students learning achievement after learning management by using multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel and 3) to evaluate the students satisfaction toward learning management by using multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel. The samples of this study were 25 grade 3 primary school students at Santi Withaya School, Raman District, Yala Province. The research instrument used for this research were multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel, lesson plans, evaluation form of the learning achievement on basic quranic reading, and satisfaction questionnaire. The data were statistically analyzed by using arithmetic mean ( ), percentage, standard deviation (S.D.), content validity, difficulty, discrimination, and t-test of dependent. The results of this research were as follows: 1) The efficiency result of lesson plans of learning management by using multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel for grade 3 primary school students was 84.73/87.67. 2) The students achievement after learning by using multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel was significantly higher at .05 3) The students satisfaction toward learning management by using multimedia teaching materials affecting the learning achievement on basic quranic reading Integrated with Sukun Vowel was excellent.


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How to Cite

Khanae, S. . (2020). Results of Learning Management by Using Multimedia Teaching Materials Affecting the Learning Achievement on Basic Quranic Reading with Mixing Sukun Vowel of Primary School Students, Year 3, Santiwittaya, Yala Province. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 1(2), 1–13. Retrieved from



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