Results of Learning Management by Utilizing Story Telling Technique on al-Tafsir Subject Affecting the Learning Achievement for First-Grade Students of Intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Students, Year 1


  • Khaled Mamu
  • Abdulramae Sulong
  • Muhammadsuhaimi Heangyama


learning management, storytelling techniques, achievement of Tafsir


The purposes of this research were to 1) Develop and find out the effectiveness of learning management plans on al-Tafsir subject by storytelling technique according to standard criteria 80/80. 2) Compare the students achievement before and after the implementation by storytelling technique. 3) Study the students satisfaction to word instruction by utilizing storytelling technique. The samples used in this research in the second semester from Saiburi Islam Wittaya School. The respondents f this study are 39 students from intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Year 1 totally 428 people. The instruments used in the research were 1) learning management plans on al-Tafsir subject by storytelling technique for intermediate Islamic studies stage students, year 1. 2) Learning achievement test of the results of learning management by storytelling technique. 3) Satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The research findings were 1) The efficiency of learning management plans on al-tafsir subject by storytelling technique according to the standard criteria 80/80 was effective 82.20 / 85.64. 2) The learning students achievement by storytelling technique before and after the implementation with statistical significance at the level of .05. 3) The students satisfaction of learning management by story yelling technique at the high level. The mean was 4.35 and the standard deviation was 0.67, respectively.


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How to Cite

Mamu, K., Sulong, A. ., & Heangyama, M. (2021). Results of Learning Management by Utilizing Story Telling Technique on al-Tafsir Subject Affecting the Learning Achievement for First-Grade Students of Intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Students, Year 1. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 2(1), 1–14. Retrieved from



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