The Effects of Using Multimedia Together Integrated with Learning Activities on Miracle of the Qur’an towards Leaning Achievement on al-Tafsir for Intermediate Islamic Studies, Year 1


  • Abdulramae Sulong Yala Rajabaht University
  • Najwa Mamu Department of Teaching Islamic Education Yala Rajabhat University


Multimedia, integrated learning activities, Miracle of the Quran


The management of learning today is separated between the Quran and science. The Quran and science teachers do not use teaching materials in the management of learning which makes the students unable to get the essence of knowledge. This research is quantitative research which aimed 1) to develop and find the efficiency of multimedia before and after learning by using the integrated learning management on al-Tafsir and science. 2) to compare the learning achievement 3) to assess the students' satisfaction. The target group were 40 students of Islamic studies stage students, year 1. The tools used in this research were 1) multimedia for integrated learning 2) the achievement test 3) the satisfaction questionnaire. Statistics used in this research were average, percentage and t-test deviation. The research results were as follow: 1) The effectiveness of the multimedia which was higher than the specified criteria 80/80. 2) The learning achievement of Islamic studies was significantly higher than before studying at 0.05 level, and 3) The students' satisfaction was at a high level.


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How to Cite

Sulong, A., & Mamu, N. (2021). The Effects of Using Multimedia Together Integrated with Learning Activities on Miracle of the Qur’an towards Leaning Achievement on al-Tafsir for Intermediate Islamic Studies, Year 1. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 2(2), 1–11. Retrieved from



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