Parents' Satisfaction with Teaching and Learning Processes in the Situation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Case Study of the Islamic Studies Demonstration Center (Tadika), Princess of Naradhiwas University


  • Ku Abdulmuhaimin Yusof -
  • Mirwanee Yusof The Islamic Studies Demonstration Center (Tadika), Princess of Naradhiwas University


Satisfaction, Online teaching management, COVID-19 pandemic


This research is survey research aimed 1) to study the satisfaction of parents towards the teaching and learning process and compare the satisfaction classified by relationship with students and grade level of students. 2) to study the teaching and learning model of the demonstration center in the situation of the corona virus 2019 (COVID-1) pandemic. 3) to study problems encountered in teaching and learning management to be a guideline for further development of the teaching and learning process of the demonstration center. The sample of this research are student's parents 86 people and 7 personnel of the demonstration center. The research tool was a questionnaire, and group conversation recordings. The data obtained from the analysis were used to show percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA and content analysis. The research results were found as follows, 1) The level of parental satisfaction with the teaching and learning process, overall it's good, including the characteristics of the center's teachers/staff. Student care and overall management changes in learners observed by parents in teaching and learning Ability to convey content and techniques and online teaching and learning formats Sort by order Comparative results of parental satisfaction with the teaching and learning process Based on personal status in relation to students and grade levels, parental satisfaction was classified in both areas, with no statistically significant differences overall at .05 level. 2) The situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demonstration center has formatted the course into 2 phases according to the severity of the situation. The demonstration center offers classes in the classroom as usual. In the second phase, the situation of covid-19 outbreak in the area has intensified. The demonstration center has organized on-hand and on-line instruction using the LINE application to access the teaching and learning system. 3) The majority of problems encountered during online instruction were electronics, internet signals, etc. Student behavioral issues, such as time management and student self-responsibility, and family issues, have forced some students to work to ease the burden of their families while staying at home while studying.


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How to Cite

Yusof, K. A., & Yusof, M. (2022). Parents’ Satisfaction with Teaching and Learning Processes in the Situation of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Case Study of the Islamic Studies Demonstration Center (Tadika), Princess of Naradhiwas University. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 3(2), 27–46. Retrieved from



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