The Development of al-Qur’an Reading Skill by Using Reading Package on Nun Sakinah and Tanwin for Intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Students, Year 2


  • Paosee E-chi Department of Teaching Islamic Education, Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University
  • Abdulramae Sulong Department of Teaching Islamic Education, Faculty of Education, Yala Rajabhat University


al-Qur’an reading skill, Reading skills package, Nun Sakinah and Tanwin


This research is quantitative research aimed 1) to develop al-Qur’an reading skill package on Nun Sakinah and Tanwin for the second-year students of intermediate Islamic studies stage, year 2 to meet the standard criterion of 80/80 2) to compare reading skills by using the Reading Skill Training Package on Nun Sakinah and Tanwin between before and after, and 3) to assess the student satisfaction. The sample of research were 45 students that selected by purposive sampling. The research tools consisted of 1) a training set for learning reading skills on Nun Sakinah and Tanwin, amounting to 6 sets. 2) Achievement test, and 3) Students satisfactions assessment form. The results of this research found that 1) Efficiency of the reading practice set Nun Sakinah and Tanwin for second-year students of intermediate Islamic studies stage, year 2 were higher than the standard criteria set for E1/E2, equal to 83.67/92.44. 2) Comparing the reading skills for second-year students of intermediate Islamic studies stage, year 2 by using the Reading Skill Training Package on Nun Sakinah and Tanwin, it was found that after learning was statistically higher than before at the level of 0.05. 3) The satisfaction of the learners with learning using the Nun Sakinah and Tanwin Reading Skill Package were at the highest level with an average of 4.74.


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How to Cite

E-chi , P., & Sulong, A. (2022). The Development of al-Qur’an Reading Skill by Using Reading Package on Nun Sakinah and Tanwin for Intermediate Islamic Studies Stage Students, Year 2. MENARA : Journal of Islamic and Contemporary Issues, 3(2), 1–12. Retrieved from



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