A Study of English Reading Proficiency of Graduate Students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

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บัณฑิต อนุญาหงษ์


          The purposes of this research were 1) to study the efficiency of English reading lessons for graduate students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology according to criteria 75/75  2) to study efficiency in EFL reading of graduate students at TNI 3) to compare the students’ English reading achievement before and after English reading learning 4) to compare English reading ability of graduate students according to majors 5) to study graduate students’ satisfaction with this type of English reading method.

          The 54 graduate students at TNI were taught with 5 reading lessons, English reading achievement test, and questionnaire to survey their satisfaction with the English reading instruction. The results were as follows;

  1. The English reading lessons were highly effective, with the students scoring 80.07 on the formative test and 53.92 on the post-test.

  2. The effects of English reading efficiency of graduate students were moderate level.

  3. The students’ reading achievement after the lesson was significantly higher before, with lessons constructed at 0.05 level.

  4. There were statistically significant differences between majors at 0.05 level.

          5. The students’ satisfaction towards studying English reading after the experiment was significantly highly at 0.05 level.

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