Relationship between Financial Ratio and Stock Return of the Listed Companies in Stock Exchange of Thailand: A Case Study of Service Sector

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กาญจนา ส่งวัฒนา
ศันสนีย์ เทพปัญญา
ศรีสุดา ถุงสุวรรณ
อรุณี ลิ้มประเสริฐ
เสาวรภย์ กุสุมา ณ อยุธยา
ศรัญยา แสงลิ้มสุวรรณ


          This study aims to examine relationships between stock price and three financial ratios including debt to equity ratio, return on equity ratio and price to earnings ratio. This study uses secondary data from 87 companies in service sector listed in Thailand stock exchange during the first quarter of 2008- the fourth quarter of 2013. Most previous studies related to this topic used only simple regression model which has limitation in econometric problems, Therefore, this study focuses on the continued study by using more proper econometric models for time series data. The unit root test, the Error Correction model, the Johansen Cointegration model and the Vector Autoregressive Model are studied. The results show that there are statistically significant impacts from three financial ratios to stock market price; however, there is no bidirectional relationship between each variables.

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