Using TOEIC Preparation to Assess English Language Skills

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Bohdan Sawchuk


All students at Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology (TNI) must complete nine required and six elective credits in English. In addition to those requirements for graduation, students are expected to achieve a minimum score of 600 on the TOEIC (test of English for International Communication). TNI students complete their required English courses in the first two years of their studies but are not required to take the TOEIC until their third or fourth year. We hypothesized that specific preparation for the TOEIC could be used to assess the English language skills of TNI students. Using random selection, we divided first-year students into three different groups. Each group was given identical TOEIC preparation material but the presentation of this material and the skills challenged would be different for each group. The results of the study indicated both the student's proficiency in English, and, the most effective method to present the preparation material.

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