Development of Financial Management of the Enterprise Community: A Case Study of Ayutthaya Province

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เฉลิมขวัญ ครุธบุญยงค์


The research of Development of Financial Management of The Enterprise Community the objectives of this research are 1) to study the structure and management of the financial community, and 2) to process and guideline for network of the financial management at provincial level. The target population consists of a group of enterprises of the financial management community transport. Ayutthaya district consists of 16 districts and 12 savings cooperatives. The samples for the qualitative savings cooperatives are selected with in the central location, around the province of Ayutthaya, and outskirts of Ayutthaya. All samples are the property of Cooperative Saving and Ayutthaya teachers (Ltd) (center), savings cooperatives, and employees of Canon (Thailand) Co., Ltd. (around Ayutthaya) and savings cooperative's employees. M.P.T Limit (outskirts of Ayutthaya).The idea is to manage the financial aspects of cooperative savings, its efficiency which is based on the sufficiency economy philosophy. The results are members working together helping each other and establishing a cooperative networks at the district level. The results show that very co-operative savings and management processes conformed to the rules of the savings cooperatives in the year 1999 and the financial  management principles based on the sufficiency economy philosophy. Capital funding money come from savings and loans that are approved regardless of the ability to pay back the loan plus interest and the profits will return to members in the form of dividends at the end of the year. Encouraging cooperatives and savings to members enable members to increase their fund every year. Savings behavior of members has also increased steadily each year. Cooperative to have no policy on external borrowing or lending institution's internal management system. The policy is how to work with transparency and accountability. Members work together and help each other. All samples are willing to cooperate in building a cooperative network of savings

and building network model to the next level. Government should intervene to help and support the factors that create a substantial network of treaties such as the conditions of

the network saving cooperative s.

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