Distinctive Competencies in the Knowledge Economy as Driving Trends in Higher Education : A Case Study of English Instructors, College of General Education and Languages, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology

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Wipanee Pengnate


The notion of knowledge economy is marked as a shift from the old economy of the industrial age. As in a new economy which depends on knowledge, ingenuity, innovation, and mobilization of the talents of all, it is significant for government leaders to develop all the potential of their human capital. However, limited research attention has been studied in the context the factors to develop students’ competencies by teachers in education. This research investigates the pedagogy employed by English instructors, College of General Education and Languages, Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology by using indepth face-to-face interview and classroom observation. Research findings indicate that the participants attempted to develop a human capital in the students using various enhancement strategies such as student-centred learning environment and creativity and critical thinking environment. Further, this research highlights the importance of globalization, knowledge production, teaching-learning process and pedagogy literatures.

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