The Use of Note-Taking Strategies to Develop Vocabulary Knowledge for Thai EFL Secondary School Students
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The main purposes of this study were 1) To examine the effects of note-taking strategy could be used to improve vocabulary knowledge for Thai high school students, 2) To examine how note taking could help Thai high school students to improve their vocabulary knowledge. The participants were purposively selected 30 Thai native students who had CEFR level between below A1 and A1 level and were studying Intermediate English course at a Thai high school, Thailand. The research instruments included 1) pre- and post- vocabulary knowledge tests, 2) lesson plans, 3) questionnaires. The data were analyzed by using Mean (x̅), Standard Deviation (S.D.), t-test. The result presented that after note-taking implementation, the participants significantly improved their vocabulary knowledge at 0.05 statistic level. Moreover, participants considered note taking as an important tool to acquire vocabulary knowledge in term of meaning (x̅ = 4.17), form (x̅ = 3.37), and use (x̅ = 3.37). In addition, the participants revealed that they had positively opinions and were satisfied while they were using note-taking strategy to develop their vocabulary knowledge.
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