TOYOTA Production System in Thailand

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Takenori Tanaka


Meijo University Institute of Industrial Districts visited many foreign affiliates of Toyota in America, Europe and Asia to research how the Toyota Production System (TPS) was localized and implemented abroad. This research reveals that Toyota Motor Thailand (TMT) has the highly advantages of quality, productivity and flexibility over other countries. As the result, in the Toyota’s new “International/Innovative Multi-purpose Vehicle (IMV)” project, TMT is playing a significant role in the global market. This paper presents that TPS in Thailand is built on three distinctive and specific elements; the excellent supplier network for Just in Time (JIT), multi-functional and skilled workers for Kaizen (continuous improvement) and the experience of overcoming the currency crisis. Through the analysis, the author forecasts TMT and Thai automobile industry of the future beyond the global depression.

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Taiichi Ohno, The Toyota Production System (in Japanese), Diamond, 1978, p. 9.

Logistics Thailand, February 2006, pp. 66-72.

Meijo University Institute of Industrial Districts, Research Paper on Toyota and Toyota Group Suppliers in ASEAN (in Japanese), 2006.

Takenori Tanaka, The Global-Localization Strategy of Toyota Production System (in Japanese), Meijo University Institute of Industrial Districts, 2008.