The Difference of Cultural Dimensions between Chinese and Japanese that Affect to the Service Quality Expectations of Thai Restaurants

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Tanyamai Chiarakul


    This research focused on (1) studying culture factors of Chinese and Japanese customers affecting to service quality expectations of Thai restaurants (2) studying guidelines of service quality development of Thai restaurants which were implemented in the countries with diverse cultures. The research combined both quantitative and qualitative methodologies. A questionnaire was distributed among a convenience sample of 300 Chinese customers and 300 Japanese customers.  Further, an in-depth interview is carried out with two Chinese customers and two Japanese customers. In addition to descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and relationship tests such as t-test and multiple regression were used for data analysis. The research found that Chinese customers gave the highest priority to MAS, and Japanese’s highest priority was PDI from cultural dimension perspective. With respect to the service quality expectation, the most Chinese customers perceived the reliability. However, majority of Japanese customers perceived Tangibility as the most importance quality. Interestingly, it is found that both Japanese and Chinese perceived Empathy as the lowest quality expectation. Further, it was found that Chinese customers perceived that dimensions of MAS, UAI and LTO as variables that significantly influence on service quality expectation whereas Japanese customers perceived that PDI, MAS, UAI and LTO were the variables that influence service quality expectations significantly. The same findings of quantitative analyses are supported by the results of Qualitative tests carried out.

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