The Role and Method in Propagation of Buddhism of Ananda Thera


  • Phra Prasian Abhiwanno (Chankham) Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Buriram Buddhist College


Propagation of Buddhism, Ananda Thera, Buddhist Council


          The research article on “The Role and Method in the Propagation of Buddhism of Ãnanda Thera” have three objectives; 1) to study the development of Theravada Buddhism, 2) to study of life and role of Ãnanda Thera in the propagation of Buddhism, 3) to analytical study of Ãnanda Thera’s role in Buddhist council for collation of Dhamma-Vinaya.

          The result of research found that:
          The development and the principle to spread Theravada Buddhism are two periods as the time of Buddha’s life and the time after the Buddha’s life. Especially, the first Buddhist council for collation of Dhamma-Vinaya was headed by Mahakassapa Thera as the Sangha Leader. They are resolution which are the main principle that the group of Sangha will remain the doctrine and discipline taught by the Buddha as nothing going to be change.  The development of Theravada Buddhism originate importantly in the Third Buddhist Council for collation of Dhamma-Vinaya which Tipitakas has perfectly collected. The Buddhist Missionary has been sent to spread Buddhism in many countries.

          Ãnanda Thera was a son of Amitothana and was born on the same time with Buddha, and he was in closer with the Buddha since he was a youth as a youth brother. Ãnanda Thera was regarded the one of Great Eighty Arahants, and have a duty to give support to the Buddha, he passed away near Rohini river when his age is 120 years after the Buddha’s passing away around 40 years. He had given support a ladies to ordain in Bhikkhunis refer to Buddhism untill was accepted by the group of Sangha. Then the Buddha gave him an expert more than another monks in five categories namely; having the most learned having mindfulness, having the best memory, having perseverance, and having to support the Buddha. He announce Buddhism by preaching, conversation, discussion of Dhamma to Channa, Mahãpajãpatigotamī Therī, King Pasendigosala and the other reaching satisfactoriness in Buddhism.

          In the Buddhist Council for collation of Dhamma-Vinaya, he had got authorize from Mahãkassapa Thera to be the Dhamma replier, while Upãli Thera got authorize from Mahakassapa Thera to be Vinaya replier. It due to Ãnanda Thera was support the Buddha and also in closer the Buddha then he had the best memory of the Buddha sermon. We can said that all contents of Suttanta Pitaka have come from the words of reply by Ãnanda Thera. The Buddhist council for collation of Dhamma-Vinaya make the Buddha’s doctrine had got compose to be category, had been correct and to maintain and to keep perpetuate with completely correct and perfectly, and make Theravada Buddhism be progressive until the present.




How to Cite

Abhiwanno (Chankham), P. P. . (2020). The Role and Method in Propagation of Buddhism of Ananda Thera. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(1), 16–27. Retrieved from



Research Articles