The Self-Development according to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness


  • Phrachirasak Tewathommo Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Nakhon Ratchasima Campus


Development, Satipatthana 4


           This academic article has the objective of 2 aspects are 1) to study about Satipatthana 4 in accordance with Buddhism, 2) to study about self-development by Satipatthana 4 in other words realizing form of visible object, sensation, mind and natural condition or depth realizing visible object, sensation, mind and natural condition. Consciousness to consider visible object, sensation, mind and natural condition to be free from all suffering. Practicing Sittipatthana that mindfulness as regards the body is demonstrate of practicing with consciousness by 4 postures as following walk, stand, sit and lay down. Mindfulness as regards feelings is focus on sensation, take such feeling. Mindfulness as regards thoughts is focus on the natural mind, realize the feeling and knowingly such feeling. The contemplation of mind-object, it is focus on natural condition including 5 categories are 5 obstacles, 5 Aggregates, 12 Bases, 7 Factors of Enlightenment and 4 Noble Truths.

          Self-development has 4 aspects are 1) acting means focus on achieving with own perseverance, 2) self-development means must be regarded as a duty with consciousness to train oneself to progress in various charitable acts that will make a better life and good society it called Threefold Training, 3) Act with caution means do any acts by perseverance and 4) Self-sufficient means make freedom when achieve become an independent.

          Self-development in accordance with Satippathana 4 can concluding as follows; contemplation of the body focus on perseverance, contemplation of sensation focus on as a duty with consciousness to train oneself to progress in various charitable acts, contemplation of mind focus on the act with caution, and contemplation of mind-object focus on self-sufficient and to be free.


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How to Cite

Tewathommo, P. (2020). The Self-Development according to the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 209–220. Retrieved from



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