Requiring to Self-Improvement of the Police Cadet 9th Provincial Police Training Center, Region 3


  • Kaewmanee Sukosol Lecturer (Commission 4) Group Master Provincial, Police Training Center, Region 3


Requirement, Self-improvement, Provincial Police Training Center, Region 3


          Study about Requiring to Self-improvement of the Police Cadet 9th Provincial Police Training Center, Region 3 has the objectives to study of requiring to self-improvement of the Police Cadet 9th that divided by personal characteristic of the Police Cadet 9th. The study has operated from sampling group were the Police Cadet 9th of 256 polices, using the questionnaire as a tool for collect the data. The statistic that used to analyzed the data is frequency, percentage, means, standard deviation t-test to determining significant statistic level at .05, this analyzed by SPSS.

          Part 1 general information about the personal characteristic by collection found that requirement for self-improving of the police student of Sergeant 9 in training center of Provincial Police Region 3. Number of the response for 256 responses found that were male was accounted for 100%, divided by age found that were on aged between 21-23 years for 93 persons was accounted for 36.32%, divided by marital status found that the most were single of 255 persons was accounted for 99.61%, divided by highest education background found that lower than bachelor degree of 183 persons was accounted for 71.48%, divided by income per household found that earns between 50,000-10,000 baht of 127 persons was accounted for 49.61%, divided by health conditional in the present found that the most were normal of 208 persons, divided by physical conditional found that the most responses never get injures from work/study of 245 persons was accounted for 95.70%

          Part 2 requirement for self-improving of the police student of Sergeant 9 in training center of Provincial Police Region 3 found that in overall was opined in a high level with self-improving such as ranking promotion is a first ascending and self-improving to encourage their prestige and fame, 2 salary promotion; the first is self-improving for consideration and benefits, achievement in study and work; the first is self-improving for preparation for work and change, learn with patient, honest and fair 4. Consideration for remove; the first is self-improving for stability in work performing in the division

          Part 3. Additional opinion about Self-improvement of the Police Cadet 9th as a model of capability development of the Police Cadet 9th of Provincial Police Training 3 found that the Police Cadet 9th requires be a diligence, patience, sufficiently the convenience study applies, requires to the further education in bachelor degree by supporting scholarship. About self-improvement of the Police Cadet has a good results to themselves and the section, this is a good image of the police, has more good responsibility, can analyze the problem as cautious and requires various the model materials, equipment and appliances and higher operational efficiency.


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How to Cite

Sukosol, K. (2020). Requiring to Self-Improvement of the Police Cadet 9th Provincial Police Training Center, Region 3. Academic MCU Buriram Journal, 5(2), 1–13. Retrieved from



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