Model Format Participation of the Community with the Emergency Medical Service of the First Responder Volunteer Unit, in Lungkhwao Sub-district, Nongbunmak District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Lungkhwao Sub-district, First Responder Volunteer Unit, Participatation of the CommunityAbstract
This objectives of this research article are ; 1) study the current state, performance and problem of the first responder volunteer unit of the Emergency Medical Service in Emergency Health Service System. 2) To compare how District Emergency Medical Service performed where the emergency health service system had community volunteer first responders and where districts had no volunteer first responders of the 40 samples. The data was verified using a triangulation technique; the results presented descriptively are as follows:
The research results were as follows:
1. Lungkhwao Sub–district has no local Emergency Medical Service of the first responder volunteer unit system. The problems it encounters are the young age of the responder, distrust of the responder because they are not from the local community. The vehicle and equipment are old and not in good condition. The communications equipment is poor and the vehicle has a low roof making it difficult to treat and transport patients in a comfortable manner. 2. Emergency medical service that the local community participate in recognizes that the volunteers are trained and that the medical knowledge is standardised to a good level. They recognize the need for a better, taller vehicle and better more modern, standardised, medical equipment, together with better communication equipment. This will better protect the health of patients and the volunteers. Which is worn together with the standardised enamel pin badge. The teams amount to 3 persons who volunteer for 12 hour shifts for a payment of 200 baht per person.
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